
var TreeNode = require('./tree-node');
var Traverser = require('./traverser');
module.exports = (function(){

  // Flag bad practises
  'use strict';

  // ------------------------------------
  // Basic Setup
  // ------------------------------------

   * @class Tree
   * @classdesc Represents the tree in which data nodes can be inserted
   * @constructor
   function Tree(){

     * Represents the root node of the tree.
     * @member
     * @type {object}
     * @default "null"
    this._rootNode = null;

     * Represents the current node in question. `_currentNode` points to most recent
     * node inserted or parent node of most recent node removed.
     * @member
    * @memberof Tree.
     * @type {object}
     * @default "null"
    this._currentNode = null;

     * Represents the traverser which search/traverse a tree in DFS and BFS fashion.
     * @member
     * @memberof Tree
     * @type {object}
     * @instance
     * @default {@link Traverser}
    this._traverser = new Traverser(this);


  // ------------------------------------
  // Getters and Setters
  // ------------------------------------

   * Returns a root node of the tree.
   * @method rootNode
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @return {TreeNode} - root node of the tree.
  Tree.prototype.rootNode = function(){
    return this._rootNode;

   * Returns a current node in a tree
   * @method currentNode
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @return {TreeNode} - current node of the tree.
  Tree.prototype.currentNode = function(){
    return this._currentNode;

   * Getter function that returns {@link Traverser}.
   * @method traverser
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @return {@link Traverser} for the tree.
  Tree.prototype.traverser = function(){
    return this._traverser;

  // ------------------------------------
  // Methods
  // ------------------------------------

   * Checks whether tree is empty.
   * @method isEmpty
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @return {boolean} whether tree is empty.
  Tree.prototype.isEmpty = function(){
    return this._rootNode === null && this._currentNode === null;

   * Empties the tree. Removes all nodes from tree.
   * @method pruneAllNodes
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @return {@link Tree} empty tree.
  Tree.prototype.pruneAllNodes = function(){
    if(this._rootNode && this._currentNode) this.trimBranchFrom(this._rootNode);
    return this;

   * Creates a {@link TreeNode} that contains the data provided and insert it in a tree.
   * New node gets inserted to the `_currentNode` which updates itself upon every insertion and deletion.
   * @method insert
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {object} data - data that has to be stored in tree-node.
   * @return {object} - instance of {@link TreeNode} that represents node inserted.
   * @example
   * // Insert single value
   * tree.insert(183);
   * // Insert array of values
   * tree.insert([34, 565, 78]);
  * // Insert complex data
   * tree.insert({
   *   key: '#berries',
   *   value: { name: 'Apple', color: 'Red'}
   * });
  Tree.prototype.insert = function(data){
    var node = new TreeNode(data);
    if(this._rootNode === null && this._currentNode === null){
      node._depth = 1;
      this._rootNode = this._currentNode = node;
    } else {
      node._parentNode = this._currentNode;
      this._currentNode = node;
      node.depth = node._parentNode._depth + 1;
    return node;

   * Removes a node from tree and updates `_currentNode` to parent node of node removed.
   * @method remove
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {object} node - {@link TreeNode} that has to be removed.
   * @param {boolean} trim - indicates whether to remove entire branch from the specified node.
  Tree.prototype.remove = function(node, trim){
    if(trim || node === this._rootNode){

      // Trim Entire branch

    } else {

      // Upate children's parent to grandparent
        _child._parentNode = node._parentNode;

      // Delete itslef from parent child array
      node._parentNode._childNodes.splice(node._parentNode._childNodes.indexOf(node), 1);

      // Update Current Node
      this._currentNode = node._parentNode;

      // Clear Child Array
      node._childNodes = [];
      node._parentNode = null;
      node._data = null;


   * Remove an entire branch starting with specified node.
   * @method trimBranchFrom
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {object} node - {@link TreeNode} from which entire branch has to be removed.
  Tree.prototype.trimBranchFrom = function(node){

    // Hold `this`
    var thiss = this;

    // trim brach recursively
    (function recur(node){
      node._childNodes = [];
      node._data = null;

    // Update Current Node
      node._parentNode._childNodes.splice(node._parentNode._childNodes.indexOf(node), 1);
      thiss._currentNode = node._parentNode;
    } else {
      thiss._rootNode = thiss._currentNode = null;

   * Inserts node to a particular node present in the tree. Particular node here is searched
   * in the tree based on the criteria provided.
   * @method insertTo
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {function} criteria - Callback function that specifies the search criteria
   * for node to which new node is to be inserted. Criteria callback here receives {@link TreeNode#_data}
   * in parameter and MUST return boolean indicating whether that data satisfies your criteria.
   * @param {object} data - that has to be stored in tree-node.
   * @return {object} - instance of {@link TreeNode} that represents node inserted.
   * @example
   * // Insert data
   * tree.insert({
   *   key: '#apple',
   *   value: { name: 'Apple', color: 'Red'}
   * });
   * // New Data
   * var greenApple = {
   *  key: '#greenapple',
   *  value: { name: 'Green Apple', color: 'Green' }
   * };
   * // Insert data to node which has `key` = #apple
   * tree.insertTo(function(data){
   *  return data.key === '#apple'
   * }, greenApple);
  Tree.prototype.insertTo = function(criteria, data){
    var node = this.traverser().searchDFS(criteria);
    return this.insertToNode(node, data);

   * Inserts node to a particular node present in the tree. Particular node here is an instance of {@link TreeNode}
   * @method insertToNode
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {function} node -  {@link TreeNode} to which data node is to be inserted.
   * @param {object} data - that has to be stored in tree-node.
   * @return {object} - instance of {@link TreeNode} that represents node inserted.
   * @example
   * // Insert data
   * var node = tree.insert({
   *   key: '#apple',
   *   value: { name: 'Apple', color: 'Red'}
   * });
   * // New Data
   * var greenApple = {
   *  key: '#greenapple',
   *  value: { name: 'Green Apple', color: 'Green' }
   * };
   * // Insert data to node
   * tree.insertToNode(node, greenApple);
  Tree.prototype.insertToNode = function(node, data){
    var newNode = new TreeNode(data);
    newNode._parentNode = node;
    newNode._depth = newNode._parentNode._depth + 1;
    this._currentNode = newNode;
    return newNode;

   * Finds a distance between two nodes
   * @method distanceBetween
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {@link TreeNode} fromNode -  Node from which distance is to be calculated
   * @param {@link TreeNode} toNode - Node to which distance is to be calculated
   * @return {Number} - distance(number of hops) between two nodes.
  Tree.prototype.distanceBetween = function(fromNode, toNode){
    return fromNode.distanceToRoot() + toNode.distanceToRoot() - 2 *  this.findCommonParent(fromNode, toNode).distanceToRoot();

   * Finds a common parent between nodes
   * @method findCommonParent
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {@link TreeNode} fromNode
   * @param {@link TreeNode} toNode
   * @return {@link TreeNode} - common parent
  Tree.prototype.findCommonParent = function(fromNode, toNode){

    // Get ancestory of both nodes
    var fromNodeAncestors = fromNode.getAncestry();
    var toNodeAncestors = toNode.getAncestry();

    // Find Commont
    var common = null;
      if(toNodeAncestors.indexOf(ancestor) !== -1){
        common = ancestor;
        return true;

    // Return Common
    return common;


   * Exports the tree data in format specified. It maintains herirachy by adding
   * additional "children" property to returned value of `criteria` callback.
   * @method export
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {Tree~criteria} criteria - Callback function that receives data in parameter
   * and MUST return a formatted data that has to be exported. A new property "children" is added to object returned
   * that maintains the heirarchy of nodes.
   * @return {object} - {@link TreeNode}.
   * @example
   * var rootNode = tree.insert({
   *   key: '#apple',
   *   value: { name: 'Apple', color: 'Red'}
   * });
   * tree.insert({
   *   key: '#greenapple',
   *   value: { name: 'Green Apple', color: 'Green'}
   * });
   * tree.insertToNode(rootNode,  {
   *  key: '#someanotherapple',
   *  value: { name: 'Some Apple', color: 'Some Color' }
   * });
   * // Export the tree
   * var exported = tree.export(function(data){
   *  return { name: };
   * });
   * // Result in `exported`
   * {
   * "name": "Apple",
   * "children": [
   *   {
   *     "name": "Green Apple",
   *     "children": []
   *   },
   *   {
   *     "name": "Some Apple",
   *     "children": []
   *  }
   * ]
  Tree.prototype.export = function(criteria){

    // Check if rootNode is not null
      return null;

    return this._rootNode.export(criteria);

   * Returns a new compressed tree. While compressing it considers nodes that
   * satisfies given criteria and skips the rest of the nodes, making tree compressed.
   * @method compress
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {Tree~criteria} criteria - Callback function that checks whether node satifies certain criteria. MUST return boolean.
   * @return {@link Tree} - A new compressed tree.
  Tree.prototype.compress = function(criteria){

    // Check if criteria is specified
    if(!criteria || typeof criteria !== 'function')
      throw new Error('Compress criteria not specified');

    // Check if tree is not empty
      return null;

    // Create New Tree
    var tree = new Tree();

    // Hold `this`
    var thiss = this;

    // Recur DFS
    (function recur(node, parent){

      // Check-in
      var checkIn = thiss.rootNode() === node || node.matchCriteria(criteria);

      // Check if checked-in
          parent = tree.insert(;
        } else {
          parent = tree.insertToNode(parent,;
      } else {
        parent._data.hasCompressedNodes = true;

      // For all child nodes
        recur(_child, parent);

    }(this.rootNode(), null));

    return tree;


   * Imports the JSON data into a tree using the criteria provided.
   * A property indicating the nesting of object must be specified.
   * @method import
   * @memberof Tree
   * @instance
   * @param {object} data - JSON data that has be imported
   * @param {string} childProperty - Name of the property that holds the nested data.
   * @param {Tree~criteria} criteria - Callback function that receives data in parameter
   * and MUST return a formatted data that has to be imported in a tree.
   * @return {object} - {@link Tree}.
   * @example
   * var data = {
   *   "trailId": "h2e67d4ea-f85f40e2ae4a06f4777864de",
   *   "initiatedAt": 1448393492488,
   *   "snapshots": {
   *      "snapshotId": "b3d132131-213c20f156339ea7bdcb6273",
   *      "capturedAt": 1448393495353,
   *      "thumbnail": "data:img",
   *      "children": [
   *       {
   *        "snapshotId": "yeb7ab27c-b36ff1b04aefafa9661243de",
   *        "capturedAt": 1448393499685,
   *        "thumbnail": "data:image/",
   *        "children": [
   *          {
   *            "snapshotId": "a00c9828f-e2be0fc4732f56471e77947a",
   *            "capturedAt": 1448393503061,
   *            "thumbnail": "data:image/png;base64",
   *            "children": []
   *          }
   *        ]
   *      }
   *     ]
   *   }
   * };
   *  // Import
   *  // This will result in a tree having nodes containing `id` and `thumbnail` as data
   *  tree.import(data, 'children', function(nodeData){
   *    return {
   *      id: nodeData.snapshotId,
   *      thumbnail: nodeData.thumbnail
   *     }
   *  });
  Tree.prototype.import = function(data, childProperty, criteria){

    // Empty all tree
    if(this._rootNode) this.trimBranchFrom(this._rootNode);

    // Set Current Node to root node as null
    this._currentNode = this._rootNode = null;

    // Hold `this`
    var thiss = this;

    // Import recursively
    (function importRecur(node, recurData){

      // Format data from given criteria
      var _data = criteria(recurData);

      // Create Root Node
        node = thiss.insert(_data);
      } else {
        node = thiss.insertToNode(node, _data);

      // For Every Child
        importRecur(node, _child);

    }(this._rootNode, data));

    // Set Current Node to root node
    this._currentNode = this._rootNode;

    return this;


   * Callback that receives a node data in parameter and expects user to return one of following:
   * 1. {@link Traverser#searchBFS} - {boolean} in return indicating whether given node satisfies criteria.
   * 2. {@link Traverser#searchDFS} - {boolean} in return indicating whether given node satisfies criteria.
   * 3. {@link Tree#export} - {object} in return indicating formatted data object.
   * @callback criteria
   * @param data {object} - data of particular {@link TreeNode}

   // ------------------------------------
   // Export
   // ------------------------------------

  return Tree;
