
module.exports = (function(){

  // Flag bad practises
  'use strict';

  // ------------------------------------
  // Basic Setup
  // ------------------------------------

   * @class TreeNode
   * @classdesc Represents a node in the tree.
   * @constructor
   * @param {object} data - that is to be stored in a node
  function TreeNode(data){

     * Represents the parent node
     * @property _parentNode
     * @type {object}
     * @default "null"
    this._parentNode = null;

     * Represents the child nodes
     * @property _childNodes
     * @type {array}
     * @default "[]"
    this._childNodes = [];

     * Represents the data node has
     * @property _data
     * @type {object}
     * @default "null"
    this._data = data;

     * Depth of the node represents level in hierarchy
     * @property _depth
     * @type {number}
     * @default -1
    this._depth = -1;


  // ------------------------------------
  // Getters and Setters
  // ------------------------------------

   * Returns a parent node of current node
   * @method parentNode
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {TreeNode} - parent of current node
  TreeNode.prototype.parentNode = function(){
    return this._parentNode;

   * Returns an array of child nodes
   * @method childNodes
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {array} - array of child nodes
  TreeNode.prototype.childNodes = function(){
    return this._childNodes;

   * Sets or gets the data belonging to this node. Data is what user sets using `insert` and `insertTo` methods.
   * @method data
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @param {object | array | string | number | null} data - data which is to be stored
   * @return {object | array | string | number | null} - data belonging to this node
   */ = function(data){
    if(arguments.length > 0){
      this._data = data;
    } else {
      return this._data;

   * Depth of the node. Indicates the level at which node lies in a tree.
   * @method depth
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {number} - depth of node
  TreeNode.prototype.depth = function(){
    return this._depth;

  // ------------------------------------
  // Methods
  // ------------------------------------

   * Indicates whether this node matches the specified criteria. It triggers a callback criteria function that returns something.
   * @method matchCriteria
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @param {function} callback - Callback function that specifies some criteria. It receives {@link TreeNode#_data} in parameter and expects different values in different scenarios.
   * `matchCriteria` is used by following functions and expects:
   * 1. {@link Tree#searchBFS} - {boolean} in return indicating whether given node satisfies criteria.
   * 2. {@link Tree#searchDFS} - {boolean} in return indicating whether given node satisfies criteria.
   * 3. {@link Tree#export} - {object} in return indicating formatted data object.
  TreeNode.prototype.matchCriteria = function(criteria){
    return criteria(this._data);

   * get sibling nodes.
   * @method siblings
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {array} - array of instances of {@link TreeNode}
  TreeNode.prototype.siblings = function(){
    var thiss = this;
    return !this._parentNode ? [] : this._parentNode._childNodes.filter(function(_child){
      return _child !== thiss;

   * Finds distance of node from root node
   * @method distanceToRoot
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {array} - array of instances of {@link TreeNode}
  TreeNode.prototype.distanceToRoot = function(){

    // Initialize Distance and Node
    var distance = 0,
        node = this;

    // Loop Over Ancestors
      node = node.parentNode();

    // Return
    return distance;


   * Gets an array of all ancestor nodes including current node
   * @method getAncestry
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @return {Array} - array of ancestor nodes
  TreeNode.prototype.getAncestry = function(){

    // Initialize empty array and node
    var ancestors = [this],
        node = this;

    // Loop over ancestors and add them in array
      node = node.parentNode();

    // Return
    return ancestors;


   * Exports the node data in format specified. It maintains herirachy by adding
   * additional "children" property to returned value of `criteria` callback.
   * @method export
   * @memberof TreeNode
   * @instance
   * @param {TreeNode~criteria} criteria - Callback function that receives data in parameter
   * and MUST return a formatted data that has to be exported. A new property "children" is added to object returned
   * that maintains the heirarchy of nodes.
   * @return {object} - {@link TreeNode}.
   * @example
   * var rootNode = tree.insert({
   *   key: '#apple',
   *   value: { name: 'Apple', color: 'Red'}
   * });
   * tree.insert({
   *   key: '#greenapple',
   *   value: { name: 'Green Apple', color: 'Green'}
   * });
   * tree.insertToNode(rootNode,  {
   *  key: '#someanotherapple',
   *  value: { name: 'Some Apple', color: 'Some Color' }
   * });
   * // Export the tree
   * var exported = rootNode.export(function(data){
   *  return { name: };
   * });
   * // Result in `exported`
   * {
   * "name": "Apple",
   * "children": [
   *   {
   *     "name": "Green Apple",
   *     "children": []
   *   },
   *   {
   *     "name": "Some Apple",
   *     "children": []
   *  }
   * ]
  TreeNode.prototype.export = function(criteria){

    // Check if criteria is specified
    if(!criteria || typeof criteria !== 'function')
      throw new Error('Export criteria not specified');

    // Export every node recursively
    var exportRecur = function(node){
      var exported = node.matchCriteria(criteria);
      if(!exported || typeof exported !== 'object'){
        throw new Error('Export criteria should always return an object and it cannot be null.');
      } else {
        exported.children = [];

        return exported;

    return exportRecur(this);

  // ------------------------------------
  // Export
  // ------------------------------------

  return TreeNode;
